How to Bleach Hair - Splat DIY Hair Bleach Kit

How to Bleach Hair - Splat DIY Hair Bleach Kit

Ever wondered who this cool girl is using our Splat Hair Bleach Kit? Her name is Alexis Jelenich and she’s one hell of a cool model with her iconic platinum blonde pixie cut. Not only does she look unique with her edgy and fierce looks, but she is one of the most down to earth people we have ever worked with. She describes herself as “a quiet creator, another stranger from the Internet”. She’s been using Splat’s Hair Bleach Kit for the longest time now to achieve her platinum hair and we’re going to tell you how to do it.

How To: Splat Hair Bleach Kit

Bleaching your hair may seem difficult with the many questions you may have, but we are here to answer FAQ with using Splat’s Hair Bleach Kit.

Splat’s Hair Bleach Kit has everything you need to get started: Lightening Bleach Powder, Splat Oxide, Shampoo, and Conditioner. The bleach in this kit is a volume 30, which is not strong enough to ZAP your hair into straw but will lighten it a few levels with the appropriate care.

What the heck does bleaching do?

When you Google it, bleaching is a process that opens up the cuticles of the hair for the bleaching agents to penetrate the hair and to dissolve the natural pigments aka melanin. This will leave your hair lightened with either yellow or orange tones (depends on what color your natural hair is). Usually after this process, your hair is more porous, which means your hair will better absorb moisture or color. The results are permanent.

I’ve Never Bleached Before!

If you are a first timer, the Splat Hair Bleach Kit will be simplest for you, so no worries! We do not recommend bleaching if your hair is extremely dry and brittle. BUT FIRST, it is recommended to use some nourishing hair mask before bleaching to ensure strength of your hair. After using a nourishing mask, rinse and dry completely before applying bleach. Be sure to read all instructions included in the box before starting the process.

How Long Do I Leave It For?

We get this question quite often: “how long do I leave the bleach in my hair?” The answer is: “it all depends on your hair goals and the health of your hair!” When using Splat’s Hair Bleach Kit, always respect the timing in the instructions. You should never wait longer than the listed timing in the instructions (40 minutes or less). During the bleaching process, be safe and check on your hair every 5-10 minutes.

The darker your hair is, the longer the process of lightening it is. For those who have naturally dark hair (from black to dark brown), you may want to bleach your hair a 2nd time, depending on what your desired hair result is.

WTH? Why is My Hair Orange/Yellow?

Once you are finished with the first round of bleaching, your hair will have brassiness which means it will have yellow or orange tones. You can neutralize the brassiness with a toner or violet shampoo (This is what Alexis does!).

Tips for After Bleaching

  • Use color-safe shampoo and conditioner (even if you don’t have color). Color-safe shampoo helps closes the cuticles of the hair
  • It is also recommended to use a deep conditioner or nourishing mask 1x a week
  • Leave-in treatment/conditioner is a MUST
    • You can reapply leave-in treatments on dry hair to help maintain moisture
    • Avoid yellow or orange tinted hair products such as oils and other hair care. This will prevent staining the hair

Crap, I Over Bleached Hair My Hair! What Do I Do?

If hair is over bleached, it cannot hold color or moisture. That is because the hair is over processed and damaged which permanently opens the cuticle of their hair, causing it to lose its ability to hold moisture and color. If this happens, we recommend using protein treatments and nourishing masks while avoiding heat.

If you’re still nervous about changing your hair, you can always email us with your questions at! <3 We got you!

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