It’s Pieces season Splat Squad (IYKYK), so buckle up and enjoy the ride because astrologers say March will be the BEST month of the 2022 calendar year. First thing on the agenda? In the words of Elsa, let it go, let it go. It’s time to release and renew, leaving all the baggage and bad energy behind.
Take a deep breath and welcome in positive thoughts and behaviors. The year is still young, and there’s plenty of progress to be made both personally and professionally. Mid-month, the full moon enters Virgo, leading you to see things more clearly and differentiate between what’s real and what’s fake. That includes friendships and relationships. Follow your heart but don’t overlook the red flags. Ride this wave of practicality all the way into Aries season, which encourages taking big risks. Some of you are going to feel very comfortable as the seasons change.
Never one to fit in the crowd, the way you portray yourself to others through confident self-expression is viewed as an enviable asset. Embracing your creative side and inspiring others with your bold hair color choices is second nature. Splat has more than 30 vivid and pastel shades to choose from in temporary, semi-permanent or permanent applications designed for at-home use. And whether you switch it up on the regular or choose variations on your favorite color, this month’s hair horoscope has something for everyone.
Yellow: Yellow exudes warmth and harmony. If your stress level is at an all-time high, this month is the perfect time to return to your familial roots and surround yourself with people and things that bring you comfort and peace.
Orange: Embracing change isn’t easy, but don’t give up! Although it’s super easy to fear the unknown, try and stay positive while thinking about all the possibilities change can bring. Just be the very best version of yourself, stay open and honest with your friends, and take it one day at a time.
Blue: Laser focus makes the things you want crystal clear. There’s no time to waste when it comes to setting your professional goals. Just make sure to be realistic with your expectations and don’t get discouraged if the path to them isn’t a straight line.
Purple: Wisdom isn’t learned. It’s acquired. Your day-to-day experiences provide you with the wisdom to make good decisions. Learn as much as you can to increase your knowledge base and keep an open mind while absorbing information.
Green: Feeling a little overwhelmed? It might be time to go off the grid and reconnect with simple pleasures...you know…all the little things that made you smile before life got in the way? Close your eyes and reflect on what brings you joy and make a point to incorporate those things back into your life.
Rainbow: You’ve heard of the Reading Rainbow? This month is the perfect time to expand your knowledge. Read anything and everything you can get your hands on...books, magazines, even food labels! Think of something you’ve been wanting to learn more about and go for it!
Black: If your creativity comes through art, dance, writing, or music, you thrive on expressing yourself in a world all your own. Some may not get it, but don’t get caught up in that black hole. Remember that if it brings you joy, that’s all that matters. Be secure in your skin.
Red: It might be time to evaluate your relationships if your emotions seem to always be running high. Whether it’s in love or in friendship, make sure you feel respected and honored. Sometimes it’s better to walk away than to lose who you are for someone else.