Mercury officially left retrograde on Feb. 3, and all energy for the next three months should be forward-flowing. No more backspinning and preparing for the worst. Instead, it’s Aquarius season. Time to celebrate love, new vibes and a new moon.
New moons create self-reflection and can help clear the path to your hopes and dreams. Put in the work and begin to celebrate the wins, no matter how small. Typically, new moons can cause some nervous energy, but they can also act as inspiration to rebel against the status quo and break free of things that feel restrictive. Stay open to new energies while welcoming elements of change. There’s still a level of permanence that will steady your journey, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
If this sounds like just the push you have been waiting for to try a bold new hair color and push your beauty boundaries, look no further than Splat. The options are endless! Designed for temporary, semi-permanent or permanent application at home, there are more than 30 vivid and pastel shades to choose from, making it easy to create a look that’s as unique as you are.
Need help choosing the color that’s right for you? Take a look below and find what speaks to you.
Red: Naturally, this month is all about the love. Whether your Valentine and Galentines make every day special, it’s no surprise that red is considered one of the most energetically strong colors. Looking to attract love into your life? Go red!
Purple: Queens, don’t let this one pass you by. Purple has long been associated with royalty and wealth, two things that call to mind images of extravagance and power. Let your strength work for you and use your imagination when making this stunning transformation.
Green: New moon equals fresh start, and green symbolizes exactly that. If you are in the exciting throes of a new relationship or starting a new job, green is all about new beginnings, prospects, and of course, money honey!
Blue: Looking for some calm in the chaos of life? Blue is all about stability and serenity. If you’re a water sign, it makes sense that you are drawn to the water. The calming effect can help center you when you need it most.
Yellow: When you think of yellow, is the sun the first thing that comes to mind? It’s all about warmth and harmony, exactly what you need to maintain the perfect mental and physical balance during stressful times.
Orange: Calling all creatives…orange is your jam! It’s known to bring joy and happiness while encouraging freedom of expression. It’s a high energy color, that encourages enthusiasm and excitement, allowing the flow of energy from concept to completion.
Black: You’d never guess it but black exudes a protective energy in addition to the mysterious vibes it gives off. If you consider yourself a caregiver or are the person everyone comes to with their problems, black may be the color for you.
Rainbow: Looking for a fresh start? You know the rainbow always appears at the end of every storm. Let new beginnings guide you toward endless opportunities. Embrace your growth and keep an open heart to what’s to come.