Hair Color Horoscopes - June 2021

Hair Color Horoscopes - June 2021

Forget ‘June gloom’. This month’s hair horoscope is all about ‘conjugal harmony’ and ‘home sweet home.’

It’s the month of safety, security, and happiness with your family, friends, and romantic partners.  And since your home life is going to be lit this month, it’s the perfect time to try an at-home hair color transformation with Splat’s bright, bold, and beautiful products!

June is the month of Gemini (symbolized by twins) and Cancer (symbolized by a crab). Both signs are outgoing, personable, and get along well with others. Geminis are social butterflies of sorts, with interests and passions in a number of different things. They can easily shift focus from one thing to the other, so some may consider them ‘distant’ or ‘closed off.’ But that’s not the case - sometimes, they just have a short attention span! Cancer signs are one of the most outgoing of all the zodiac signs, so they thrive in social environments. They’re expressive, creative, and emotional, which means they’re easy to connect with. They get along well with all types of people, but every now and then they can pinch you with their passive-aggressive behavior (but honestly, can’t we all?).

This month, though, everyone is going to get a chance to connect on an emotional level, since June is the month where we can all look forward to a little extra peace and harmony within your home - whether that’s with your romantic partner, your family, your friends, or your roommates. You may find yourself re-developing some friendships that went distant during the pandemic. Or, you may put a little extra ‘oomph’ into your home life - perhaps by getting a new house plant, planning a few family game/movie nights, cooking a romantic dinner or two, or (our personal favorite) spicing things up with a fresh new hair color using one of your favorite Splat products. Whatever the case may be, your home life - and the relationships you have at home - is going to flourish and strengthen this month due to an increased amount of emotional connection that’s headed our way this month. Even though we spent most of the last year trapped inside, we’re going to find a new appreciation for the safety, security, and serenity that comes from within ‘home sweet home.’ 

Now is the time to nurture the relationships you have with family, friends, and romantic interests and partners. Take time to develop the bonds between you and your loved ones. There are tons of harmonious energies flowing freely right now. And, since you’re going to feel so good being at home this month, it’s the perfect opportunity for you to color your hair a vibrant new color to reflect the positivity of your emotional nature! So take a look through Splat’s endless array of hair colors and products to find the one you really connect with, and then have it!

Go big, go bold, and go do it at home! Here’s a look at this month’s hair color horoscopes to help inspire you:




Pink: You’re feeling bubbly right now and frothy with emotional appeal. Last month was good to you, and you’re ready for this month to be even better. Continue to ride the coattails of the positive vibes you’ve been feeling! Just remember to take a moment to pause and reset if needed.

Purple: You’re ready to contradict and juxtapose the status quo. Creativity and uniqueness are a part of your DNA, and you feel the need to express yourself. Practice respecting the boundaries of others this month and you’ll watch your relationships flourish.

Red: You’ve felt a little limited lately. Remember that these limitations are imaginary, and you can always push beyond the boundaries or confines that you allow to be there. Have some fun this month, and let yourself feel free.

Green: Even though summer is on the horizon, you want to stay cool, calm, and collected. That’s perfectly fine! Just keep an eye on whether you’re purposefully isolating or being distant. We all need time to ourselves, but we need social connection just as much.

Blue: You are in tune right now, friend! You’re feeling emotionally, physically, and spiritually connected, so let that freedom ring! You’ve worked hard lately and want to connect with the natural world right now. Express yourself and take joy in seeing what you can create. 

Orange: Your relationships may have been difficult lately. Perhaps you’ve lost a friend, loved one, or romantic interest. Remember that you are perfectly adequate, whole, and complete just as you are. You may be able to reconnect down the line, but take time right now to redevelop your relationship with yourself. 

Black: Life is all about the ups and the downs, and you’ve been riding one or the other lately, perhaps a little too much. A drastic change can help you reset and reconfigure what’s important right now and where you want to be heading. Take direction when it’s given to you and remember to pause when agitated or doubtful. 

Yellow: You’re feeling very connected to your friends right now. Try to be of service to others you may not talk to as often. Volunteer, donate, or even make a few extra calls to distant friends and relatives. Everybody needs a friend these days, and you’ve got a lot of love to give. So give freely!

Rainbow: You’re feeling all kinds of ways lately and that’s great! Life is all about experiences. Try to harness your energy into specific projects or passions this month and watch what happens when your creative juices really get flowing. And remind yourself this month that home is where the heart is.

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