September Hair Horoscope
Splat Squad, we are in the home stretch for 2022. September is here and with it comes the official start of fall, the start of a new school year, and all the signs that the end of the year will be here before we know it. But there’s also a teensy bit of a downside: Mercury goes into Retrograde on Sept. 9 and stays there until Oct. 2. So, what exactly does that mean for you?
Mercury rules communications of all forms as well as travel and shipping. When Retrograde hits, you’ll be surrounded by a lot of confusion, delay, and frustration. The best advice we can give you is to BE PATIENT. Allow extra time for everything. Don’t make any big decisions or sign life-changing documents. Instead, it’s a great time to review exactly HOW your energy is being spent to carve out a better family-school-work-life-play balance.
It's also time for some self-care. Turn to Splat for your at-home hair color choices. More than 30 vivid and pastel shades are available in temporary, semi-permanent or permanent applications. It doesn’t matter if you stick to the basics or are looking to add some color to your life, our vegan and gluten-free formulation is gentle on hair providing optimum vibrancy and tone.
Brown: Look for opportunities to rest. You are full of emotions from a variety of reasons. Just remember that emotions affect the body so be sure to find a balance between mental and physical rest. Try to exercise and eat clean each day as both are helpful ways to feed body and mind.
Copper: You’ve been working hard, and your finances are beginning to show for it. But now is not the time to be overly generous by gifting family and friends because you have extra cash on hand. Instead, think about ways to invest in your future by setting aside some of the excess in a savings account.
Blue: The problems you are having at home are becoming overwhelming, but it is importance to shift your focus. Whether you need to concentrate better for school or work wiser to back up the raise you’re hoping for, there’s no doubt that changes happen where you focus your energy.
Lavender: Pay attention to your intuition and do things that may seem selfish to others. The first part of the month carries great momentum so set those goals! The time is right to achieve them! Change is essential to growth and it’s up to you to push it along or stay stuck.
Pink: Old feelings could stir up trouble and that’s why they need to be left where they belong: in the past. A new start welcomes new energies. Don’t get frustrated if things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like. Affection takes time to develop so if you come off too needy, your something new will be something old in a heartbeat.
Teal: You’re studying hard and all those odd jobs you’ve been doing on the weekends to make some extra cash are finally adding up. You feel a sense of security knowing that you can have some fun with friends without depending on your parents to fund it. Keep at it. The feeling of self-sufficiency is fantastic!
Red: You put your heart and soul into everything you do but face the challenge of loved ones questioning your vision. Don’t feed into it! Your dreams are yours alone. You shouldn’t have to convince anyone of the things that bring you excitement. Your drive and your obligation to your success depends on you.